How to Choose the Best Solar Energy System

How to Choose the Best Solar Energy System

With the recent advances in technology in recent years, being able to produce viable and clean energy to be used to power your home is now a reality. Alternative sources of power and energy will not only help you avoid burning fossil fuel to help provide electricity for your home, but will also help you save a considerable amount of money on the cost of your utility. One of those alternative energy sources is solar energy.

There are actually a number of different solar energy systems that are available in the market today. Since solar energy has become more common and more viable in the recent years, developers have begun to develop different solar energy systems that you can choose from, depending on your needs and limitations. Choosing a solar energy system that would fit best for your home is not necessarily an easy thing to do, which is why it is important that you learn how to choose the best one in order to get the right type of solar energy system for your home. Here are a couple of hints.

Know Your Solar Energy System

Before anything else, the very first thing that you must do is you must make sure that you know what different solar energy systems there are that you can choose from. Basically, there are two different types of solar energy systems, and those are the photovoltaic (PV) panels and solar thermal systems.

Photovoltaic Panels
Photovoltaic panels are solar energy panels that convert solar energy and turn them into electricity that you can use to power up most of your appliances and household lighting, and should only be used for those particular uses. Unfortunatley, among the solar energy systems that are in the market, photovoltaic panels are considered to be one of the more expensive ones, if not the most expensive in the solar energy market today.

Solar Thermal Systems

Solar thermal systems, on the other hand, simply generate heat, and are well-suited for boilers, furnaces and water heaters, as this type of system allows you to make heat using direct solar energy at a much lower cost as compared to using conventional energy and electricity. However, if you want to retrofit your home with one of these solar thermal systems, you need to sacrifice a little bit of space in your home. The good thing about using this type of solar energy system though is that you will save up to 80% of your total energy cost per year.

Calculate Your Energy Cost

Once you have a much better understanding and grasp of what solar energy systems are out there, and how they work, you simply need to learn how to calculate the cost of your energy consumption. This will actually help you determine which type of solar energy system you should choose from the two. When calculating the cost of your energy consumption, you need to create a list of all the things that might need energy and electricity. Include appliances, lighting, water heating, space heating, space cooling and air conditioning. If you can, try and figure out first if there are ways that you can reduce your electricity and energy consumption without having to resort to retrofitting your home with solar energy system.

A War Between Eating And Sustainable Power

Today climate change is a reality that is acknowledge by even the most doubtful of skeptics. The warmer temperatures in areas where its supposed to be cool, scorching summers, and bone chilling winter have become a pattern that people cannot simply ignore.

What The War About?

Funny enough it seems that people are getting desperate and all are turning to bio-fuel like it’s the savior of all mankind. So what is bio-fuel? Bio-fuel is any gaseous, solid, or liquid material derived from biological materials. The argument ensues when people talk of the future. Bio-fuel’s raw materials are usually agricultural crops that are made to undergo fermentation and certain processes in order to produce bio-fuel.

The Problem

Who is the world’s largest oil consumer? Those with the highest number of vehicles running their roads, countries like the US, England and generally most of the European nations. When you think about it bio-fuel is made from corn, sugarcane, palm oil, vegetable oil, and etc; where do these agricultural crops come from? Third World Countries.

In Mexico they have this “tortilla crisis”. Corn which is the basic ingredient of tortilla is now sold five times the price it used to be marketed for. The reason for the inflated prices? The demand of bio-fuel in highly developed countries has severely altered the business people’s sense of profit. Why sell for a dollar when you can for 5 because the demand is now higher.

Who Suffers?

The first world countries will have to export goods from the third world countries to fuel their increasing demand for energy. The third world countries are usually tropical ones located near the equator, hence a higher crop growth of corn, and all those needed to manufacture bio-fuel; but for these countries corn is food, so is sugar cane. For the first world to survive the t poorer countries must either starve in hunger or break their back working to be able to afford the price hikes of the most basic of all commodities: food.

A Compromise

So what should we do? We need to address the problems of the environment and pollution, but it is also not right that to solve a problem we must create one. Think about it if the agricultural countries go into decline because its people can’t afford food then who will till the land to supply the giants with endless bio-fuel?

Sustainable energy is geared to sustain life, not make it harder. A proposal is in order. Since the crops needed for the production of bio-fuel can only survive in tropical countries then the governments of the more well off countries will have to invest in the agricultural countries to supply their own demand. These crops must be independent from those for local consumers. Stringent rules governing pricing and distribution must be implemented to further protect the source of the energy.

Sustainable power means the world working hand in hand to create a better way of life for the future. The road to betterment is paved with hard work and dedication. The ancient Egyptian used sails to go up and down the Nile; they were patient and they reached their destination. Let us all be patient but diligent in our quest for sustainable power to sustain life.

DIY Solar Power - solar power and energy

Before, solar power or solar cell panels are only available in commercial areas and hardware stores. Nowadays, more and more people are trying DIY or do it yourself kits. You can expect to have your own setup in just one day, provided that you have an easy kit to start with. Solar power can be achieved right in your very own home, without the help of a professional. Make sure you follow the instructional guide carefully for the best results.

 solar power and energy, green power

Building Your Own Solar Power Generator

You can use parts that are available on the internet or your local store. You can create a tiny solar power generator with a budget of only $200 to $300. This is ideal for power failures and life outside the power grid. The setup can also effectively power the modem, television, DC appliances, computer, cameras and lights. You can use this in cabins, archaeological digs, tents and camping trips. This is the ideal setup for people who travel to undeveloped regions and countries.

Initial Steps

First of all, you need to make or buy yourself a tiny solar panel. You can get a device rated at 12 volts or higher for only $100 at a marine supply store or RV store. Next, purchase a battery. Experts recommend that you get rechargeable batteries from available green companies. Get any size of deep cycle 12 volt lead/acid or gel battery. You will need the deep cycle battery for nonstop use. The type in the car is a cranking battery, which is good for starting engines. You may also want to look for bargains and other good deals that will cost only around $50 to $60.

Next Steps

Take a battery box where you will put the generator in. The box may only cost around $10. It is ideal for covering the exposed terminals just in case you have kids inside the house. If you want to install the system in a cabin, pump shed or boat, you can skip this step. Purchase a 12 volt DC meter. This will cost you around $25. Purchase a DC input. The triple inlet model is recommended. You can purchase this for only $10 at a car parts store. The device will be good for powering DC appliances like lights, hair dryers and vacuum cleaners.

If you intend to power AC appliances, you will need an inverter. The inverter converts the stored DC power in the battery right into AC power for majority of household appliances. Measure the watts that you will need. Cheap inverters of various sizes can be purchased online too. Use a drill to attach the meter and DC input to the top region of the box.


Next, use insulated wire to connect the meter to the wingnut terminals found on the battery. Link the negative pole initially. Only handle a single wire at a time. Link the DC inlet straight to the battery in a similar fashion. Link the solar panel to the battery the same way. Shut the lid using a bungee cord to keep everything tight. Position the solar panel under the sun. It will take 5 to 8 hours to charge dead batteries. You can power different devices like fans, lights and radios.

Advanced Vehicles - Solar Power

When we think of advanced vehicles it reminds us of speed that a vehicle has and all the newer vehicles that are coming out with all the modern gadgets and gizmos.  Every time we turn the ignition on our vehicle we are sending a bad sign out into the world and the atmosphere.  Scientist have worked rather hard at coming up with a way that our cars can be safe for our planet.  So how is that done?

Advanced fuel systems include energy storage which is the batteries that help power it instead of the fuels, power electronics, thermal comfort and systems analysis.  These fuel systems are constantly being studied and have made outstanding research and development topics.  The main focus on the fuel systems in advanced vehicles is to find an alternative fuel in order to cut down on pollution and to restore our economy.  We cannot continue buying fuels forever.  We need an alternative to fuel.  Sometime in the future, fuel will no longer be available for us to use.  Advanced vehicles are designed to make it more efficient to run at top speeds. Convenience is another advantage to the advanced vehicles.

They plug in and charge instead of running out of fuel and refilling the tank. Running these cars may not break any records but it can help tremendously knowing that they are running clean.  Ultracapacitors are designed to provide additional power to accelerate for climbing hills.  Vehicle power electronics controls the amount of electricity through the devices.  This may be the ignition, DC to DC converters, inverters, and motor controllers.

Vehicle Thermal comfort is how you control your temperature inside the car. You may have to roll the windows down or put them up.  Turn the heat on or the air conditioning on.  No matter what you have to do this is thermal comfort. The main goal for such an invention is to come up with a vehicle that can get us where we need to go in the amount of time that we allow ourselves.  In the fast paced world that we live in today, it is hard to find someone who has the time to spend waiting on their vehicles to get repaired or refueled.  That is because we need that vehicle to be up and running when we need it the most.  Scientist are studying the car factor and what it will do for us in the future and what it has done for us in the past.  As they strive to gather more information they can better the way the advanced vehicles have made it through.

Advanced vehicles are on the go and will one day be the car that we decide to buy because that may be our only choice in the future.  When the fuels run dry we will no longer be able to drive what we currently have now. Though these vehicles do allow some restriction, that will no longer be as we progress into the future and all the bugs will be worked out.

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Green Energy Sources?

Today, we are now aware of the effects of global warming. Fortunately, it’s not too late and we can still change which is why many are pushing for green energy sources.

The advantage of using green energy sources is that it is clean so it does not emit anything harmful into the air which has an impact on the environment. It is also renewable which means we will never run out of it unlike oil which is expected to dry up in a decade or so.

Although green energy facilities are expensive to build, it requires less maintenance so you don’t have to shell out a lot of money to operate it.

It can also bring economic benefits to certain areas even boost tourism.

While these sound good, there are some who say that there are advantages to using such technology.

While green energy sources can produce electricity, how much it can generate is not consistent. This is because we have no control of the weather so if a certain area relies on solar energy and there is a weather disturbance, it will not be able to convert sunlight into electricity.

Building these facilities also requires a lot of land so we may have to cut on farmland which is what many are concerned about if more wind turbines are to be put up.

Another disadvantage is the fact that some of the green energy sources cannot be installed in certain areas of the planet. For instance, wave energy can only be utilized if the waves coming from the ocean reach at least 16 feet. The use geothermal energy can only be done in geologically unstable parts of the planet.

But if you look at such arguments, places that cannot use one form of green energy source can be substituted for another. If wind turbines need more space, they can be installed near the coast instead of putting these on land. A study shows that you can generate more electricity while these are in the ocean.

While the weather is something we cannot control, it is not everyday that there is a weather disturbance so this too shall pass. If solar energy is being used and the sun is covered, the emergency generators will be activated and use up the energy that was stored.

The point is that there are ways around the arguments put by certain individuals which discourage the use of green energy sources. In fact, research is ongoing to try and harness other means to generate the power we need.

A very good example of this is called ocean thermal energy. Power is generated by harnessing the different temperatures in the water. It is currently being used on a small scale both in Japan and Hawaii.

In the US, only 7% of green energy sources are used nationally. This was much higher 11 years ago and if we don’t have to worry about the cost of oil or even reduce our dependency on it, we have to invest more in this clean energy.

We can get it from green energy sources such as biomass, biodiesel, geothermal, solar, water and the wind. These are things we have all around us and all it takes is for someone to harness it instead of relying on traditional non-renewable means to produce energy.


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